
Hey! My name is Beth Baker and welcome to my blog. I’m the wife of an amazing high school math teacher named Chuck and two lovelies named Lucy and Landon. Life is full and life is fun. I’m here to share a little bit about what we eat, what we create, and how we live. This space serves as the personal journey of our family as we strive to love God and glorify Him.

We do things a little bit differently. Firstly, we eat a little bit different. Two years ago my daughter, Lucy, was diagnosed with food allergies to wheat, dairy, eggs, and peanuts. I went home that day cut those foods out of her diet. I marveled at what a healthy eater I was raising. I made two dinners each night: a plant-based meal for Lucy and another meal for the adults based on the Standard American Diet (SAD). Soon after my daughter’s diagnosis my husband was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. I began seeking out foods for him that might reduce inflammation and before I knew it I was transitioning my family to a whole foods diet (and cooking one dinner a night: win).

We like to spend our days “making art” and creating memories through play-based learning. If we didn’t strive for those things we’d totally sit around and watch movies all day. Goals are good.

We also aim to live differently. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship.” [Romans 12:1] We are followers of Christ and committed members of city lights church.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Tracy says:

    You having a blog excites me to no end. Looking forward to following your journey!

  2. Little Sis says:

    Hey there Beth! Wanted to let you know we’ve nominated you for a Beautiful Blogger Award. Read more about it and pick up your badge here: http://mysisterspantry.wordpress.com/2012/10/03/i-feel-pretty-like-a-beautiful-blogger/. Thanks for what you do!

  3. Bethany says:

    Randomly found your blog! I am living life super similarly to you, so I find it affirming and encouraging to read how your days are spent. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Amanda says:

    Hello, I’ve nominated your blog for the Liebster award. Check it out here https://amandasbabblejuice.wordpress.com/2015/07/18/my-first-liebster-award/

hey you! leave a comment!