Monthly Archives: April 2014

An Homage To Friendship

Do you ever have something going on in your life that feels so big, and yet life continues on unnoticed for the folks around you? Today feels a little like that for me.

The small group we lead at our church is multiplying [’cause it’s too big– yay!] and tonight is the last night we will be all together.  We’ve been sending lots of prayers up for our friends who will begin to lead the new group. It’s something to celebrate, for sure.  But, it’s got me feeling a little nostalgic for the friends we won’t get to see [at least] twice a week, every week.  If ever there was a time to use the ‘firstworldproblems’ hashtag… Break out the violins, folks– I’m feeling weepy!


[Oh my gosh I just put this picture here and Lucy pointed every one out and said, “Oh, I love our friends.” The living room just got duuuuusty.]

I’ve learned a lot about friendship in the last few years. Previously, I hate to admit, I thought friends were people you called when you had extra time or needed extra hands. But years lived in solid community has vastly changed that. We aren’t meant to live solitary lives– especially if our aim is to live Christ-honoring lives.

Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed. [Proverbs 15:22]


So thank you friends for attending every birthday party.


For being completely awesome.


For showering us with love.


For sweating with us.


For joining in so many adventures and giving us so many memories.


And thanks for sharing in our lives so deeply that you’ve successfully and forever blurred the lines between friends and family.

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
[Proverbs 18:24]

So thanks, for nostalgia’s sake, for letting me share this. My life has forever been altered by the community we’ve been blessed with by our local church. For the vulnerability it’s created in us to open our lives to those around us, so that we can grow together, love each other, and spread the love of Christ.

Kimchi Cauliflower Fried Rice


Has everyone jumped aboard the cauliflower fried rice train? I tried this recipe last year and was hooked. I love to leave the cauliflower in the skillet for a little while to get some crispy bits (anybody with me?). The only thing that disappoints me is that I want more flavor with the dish. [We have to leave the eggs out of our fried rice for allergy reasons and it leaves me feeling like something is lacking.]

So inspired by the flavor divinity of the fantastic Seoul Taco, I decided to add some kimchi to our fried rice. Woah. Don’t be scared by the idea of fermented cabbage; both of the kiddos gobbled it up.

To make this dish, I mostly followed the recipe mentioned above (though I don’t use the grapeseed oil and I do add some toasted sesame oil in at the end). I switched the veggies to carrots and edamame, since that’s what I had on hand. I wanted to add some chicken to the dish so I split the cooking into thirds. I did my cauliflower first, then I sautéed the chopped veggies, and finally I threw the kimchi in with a can of chicken. Don’t judge the canned chicken part. Do find quality chicken that is only chicken, water, and salt. It’s a super time saver [for which I am in desperate need]. Throwing it in with the kimchi gave it an amazing flavor. It only took a couple minutes for those two to heat up and share some spice.

Overall the dish was quick(ish… Using the food processor to chop the cauliflower into rice certainly adds a step). But since I cooked it in thirds I was able to only dirty one pan to cook it in and a big bowl to incorporate it all together.

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