Monthly Archives: September 2015

Weeks of Meal Plans


I’ve dropped the ball “a bit” on sharing meal plans here. They’re still happening. They’re usually scribbled by necessity on the corner of a piece of paper discarded by the children, right before I leave for the grocery store.

So here’s about two and a half weeks worth. Scribble-dee-dee.

Saturday: Smoothies & French Toast [Smoothies for dinner is borderline genius.]
Sunday: Creamed Corn & Broccoli
Monday: Veggie burgers & green bean fries
Tuesday: Tacos [We did the fish tacos found here.]
Wednesday: Cauliflower Nuggets [Did not taste like the chicken nuggets promised, but tasty. Also, need to buy two cauliflower heads if it’s the entree.]
Thursday: Chicken & Rice [Of the classic variety. With peas and carrots.]
Friday: Pizza [Lucy has requested every Friday be a pizza night. Sold.]
Saturday: Quinoa Rainbow Salad

Sunday: Chicken Salad
Monday: Tomato & Mozarella Grilled Cheese with Salad
Tuesday: Quinoa with Brussels Sprouts & Bacon
Wednesday: Corn Chowder [What to make when you want it to be fall but it’s still so, so hot and the corn is still so, so sweet.] Add some salmon or sausage.
Thursday: Tacos with Cabbage Slaw
Friday: Pizza
Saturday: Chicken & Sweet Potato Fries
Sunday: @ Church
Monday: Cauliflower Fried Rice
Tuesday: Roasted sweet potato with rice and sautéed green veg
Wednesday: spaghetti squash with lentils
Thursday: Fish tacos
Friday: Pizza

When life gets busy, just repeat all of the easiest, cheapest, most delicious. Right?